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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - clash


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См. в других словарях

  1. сущ. столкновение, конфликт, противоречие - clash of interests - clash of opinions 2. гл. сталкиваться, приходить в столкновение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. лязг (оружия); бряцание, звон (мечей) 2. гул (колоколов) 3. грохот (бидонов, кастрюль) 4. дробь (града, дождя) 5. столкновение, стычка, схватка clashes with the police —- столкновения с полицией 6. столкновение, конфликт; разногласие clash of interests —- столкновение интересов clash of opinions —- расхождение во взглядах 7. сталкиваться; стукаться, ударяться друг о друга (о металлических предметах, особ об оружии) their swords clashed —- их шпаги со звоном скрестились 8. сталкиваться (об интересах); приходить в столкновение; расходиться (о взглядах) their interests clash —- их интересы не совпадают your views clash with mine —- мы придерживаемся противоположных взглядов, мы расходимся во взглядах one statements clashed with another —- одно заявление противоречило другому 9. происходить в одно время, мешать друг другу; совпадать (по времени) it's a pity the two concerts clash —- жаль, что оба концерта будут в одно время 10. дисгармонировать these colours clash —- эти цвета несовместимы; сочетание этих цветов режет глаз 11. спорт. встретиться (в матче - о командах) 12. ударять с грохотом; стучать (обо что-л металлическое) 13. налететь, наскочить, натолкнуться, столкнуться I clashed into him as I went round the corner —- свернув за угол, я налетел на него 14. шотл....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) лязг (оружия); гул (колоколов)  2) столкновение - clash of interests - clash of opinions  3) конфликт Syn: see fight  2. v.  1) сталкиваться, стукаться, ударяться друг о друга (особ. об оружии) (against) I clashed against the streetlight and hurt my head.  2) ударять с грохотом; производить гул, шум, звон; звонить во все колокола  3) расходиться (о взглядах) (on /over - по поводу чего-л.) Mary and her husband clashed over the question of where they should live.  4) сталкиваться (об интересах); приходить в столкновение  5) дисгармонировать (с чем-л.) (against, with) The orange curtains clash against/with the red furniture. these colours clash - эти цвета не гармонируют  6) совпадать во времени (с чем-л.) (with) our lectures clash - наши лекции совпадают I was unable to study music at school because it clashed with history. - clash against - clash with CLASH of interests столкновение интересов CLASH against  а) расходиться (о взглядах) My opinions clash against yours.  б) сталкиваться с кем-л. (бороться) Greek forces clashed against Turks in the hills. CLASH with  а) расходиться (о взглядах) The chairmans opinion clashed with that of the rest of the committee.  б) сталкиваться с кем-л. (бороться) Greek forces clashed with Turks in the hills. CLASH of opinions расхождение во взглядах ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a loud jarring sound as of metal objects being struck together. b a collision, esp. with force. 2 a a conflict or disagreement. b a discord of colours etc. --v. 1 a intr. make a clashing sound. b tr. cause to clash. 2 intr. collide; coincide awkwardly. 3 intr. (often foll. by with) a come into conflict or be at variance. b (of colours) be discordant. Derivatives clasher n. Etymology: imit.: cf. clack, clang, crack, crash ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: imitative  Date: circa 1500  intransitive verb  1. to make a ~ cymbals ~ed  2. to come into conflict where ignorant armies ~ by night — Matthew Arnold; also to be incompatible the colors ~ed  transitive verb to cause to ~  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1513  1. a noisy usually metallic sound of collision  2.  a. a hostile encounter ; skirmish  b. a sharp conflict a ~ of opinions ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (clashes, clashing, clashed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When people clash, they fight, argue, or disagree with each other. (JOURNALISM) A group of 400 demonstrators clashed with police... Behind the scenes, Parsons clashed with almost everyone on the show... The United States and Israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings. V-RECIP: V with n, V with n, pl-n V • Clash is also a noun. There have been a number of clashes between police in riot gear and demonstrators. N-COUNT: oft N between/with n 2. Beliefs, ideas, or qualities that clash with each other are very different from each other and therefore are opposed. Don’t make any policy decisions which clash with official company thinking... Here, morality and good sentiments clash headlong. V-RECIP: V with n, pl-n V • Clash is also a noun. Inside government, there was a clash of views. N-COUNT: N of n 3. If one event clashes with another, the two events happen at the same time so that you cannot attend both of them. The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial. VERB: V with n 4. If one colour or style clashes with another, the colours or styles look ugly together. You can also say that two colours or styles clash. The red door clashed with the soft, natural tones of the stone walls... So what if the colours clashed? V-RECIP: V with n, pl-n V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 if two armies, or groups of people clash, they suddenly start fighting each other  (Troops clashed near the border.)  (Police have clashed with demonstrators again today.) 2 if two people or groups of people clash, they argue because their opinions and beliefs are very different  (Democrats clashed with Republicans in a heated debate.) 3 if two colours or patterns clash, they look very bad together  (That purple tie clashes with your red shirt.) 4 if two events clash, they happen at the same time in a way that is inconvenient  (Unfortunately the concert clashed with Ann and Jim's dinner party.) 5 if two pieces of metal clash or if you clash them, they make a loud ringing sound  (The cymbals clashed.) ~2 n 1 a short fight between two armies or groups of people  (border clashes) 2 an argument between two people or groups of people  (a clash of temperament) + between  (angry clashes between Tory and Labour ministers) personality clash (=a situation in which two people do not like each other) 3 a loud sound made by two metal objects being hit together  (the clash of swords) 4 a combination of two colours, designs etc that look bad together 5 a situation in which two events happen at the same time in a way that is inconvenient  (a scheduling clash on TV) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1500, of imitative origin; the figurative sense is first attested 1622. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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